We are the Champion!

On day2, Ace 2017 I make a history to myself. With less than 1 month preparation, since I'm only off work on Sunday. Me and Nico Haruna decide to participate Group Competition. Since we planned to cosplay Mimi and Lillymon, so Nico Haruna make a story-line of this skit. 
 (Nico Haruna as Mimi and Me as Lillymon)
Photo by Suliman
Preparation have been made, we do recorded our own voice in Bahasa Melayu. The voice of Mimi is from Nico Haruna while Tanemon, Palmon, Togemon and Lillymon by me. It was so much fun recording since we have to make our voice suit the character.

For the short of the story, I will make another entry for showing my progress on this. If you wishing to see our performance CLICK HERE or keep reading until the end of this entry.

5.00 P.M it is time to announce the winner of the competition. Group by group's name has been on stage for they prize. Second runner up and First runner up has been chosen... Me and Nico Haruna shocked. I personally didn't expect of winning this competition... since there were experienced competitors.
That all from me for this entry and here the video of our skit recorded by 龍隼 . I am really glad someone recorded it. Thank you..

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